Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Straight hair and hair styling to create your personality

Look like much, take care of bad, but there will be the haircut style sense of monotony. Changing the method is super simple, just pay attention to small details, it will make you look very different

Step1: comb hair with a fine tooth comb and tidy, smooth hair is long straight hair and a beautiful foundation.

Step2: points of departure in a 2:8 ratio joints, hair sewn partial one o'clock bangs looks better. With a little wax to disobedient bangs.

Step3: stay out of the cheeks on the front of the ear hair, the rest of the hair into the ear to get smooth. We also have some of the hair leaving hair volume side of natural front of the ear.

Step4: then use a simple two color clips, or only single cartoon clips Mei Wei's position do not live in bangs. Note: Do not bangs do not yet too far head damage the curvature of the fringe.

Step5: on both sides of the front of the hair electric hot rods to make it slightly inward.

Orignal From: Straight hair and hair styling to create your personality

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