Wednesday, August 15, 2012

3 short hair tie France to teach you the summer how to take care of short hair

In the summer of 10 years, girls short hair is popular, but cut fairly short hair, how to take care of, has become the focus of the short hair girls. Short hair, certainly not to long hair, so varied, even if it is so short hair also has a lot to take care of. Hair salon diy tutorial, first with short hair crush take a look at the short hair and hair bundle method, to teach short hair MM in the summer to better take care of their short hair.

A refreshing bangs short hair

In the hot summer months, the bangs tightly paralysis often give birth to acne on the forehead, hot, forehead, then how to take care of it? Salon hair diy, teach you how to take care of.

STEP1. Forehead bangs, simply pull up small hairpin firmly fixed, so simple to believe that the crush will do it.

The STEP2 simply pull the bangs, the hair feeling is definitely not enough, therefore the second step it is very important. On both sides of the temples into the curvature of the other ear, cheek, the outline of a beautiful mellow.

STEP3 order to make the hair more breathable air filled with a sense of down with a small comb to comb beam.

STEP4 smear wax palms are smear wax, grab the tail with short hair, increasing hair movement and light.

(2) short hair style diy

Summer a same hairstyle every day, you certainly want to change. That being the case, following this short hair style transfiguration, you must learn.

STEP1. Remove the hot curling iron curly hair, perm focus on the head the hair in the middle of the back of the head and face the side of the tail to do volume. Curling irons choice, choose to trumpet curling iron 19mm.

STEP2. Perm immediately after modeling. Pinching the hair bundles of hair twisted, then hairpin fixed.

STEP3 head shape is completed, reverse the fringe, AUTOMATION INSTRUMENTATION beam, the beam that is fluffy, but also bear in completed, the hairpin fixed.

STEP4. After the completion of the shape, choose a hair hoop embellishment and modification of the hair.

Small change to build lady with short hair

Keep short hair, you also want to be a small change? Short hair hairstyle diy teach you, short hair, small change, to create the image of ladies.

STEP1. According to the number of hair and hair line, hand bangs nineteen points.

STEP2 with the hairpin-ninth bangs fixed, covering the forehead surface. Simple little face at the same time, elegant atmosphere.

STEP3 bangs take care of after, the match a hair hoop, dotted hair highlights.

The STEP4 after spraying stereotypes wax, hand in short hair tail to make the volume increase hair lady taste.

Orignal From: 3 short hair tie France to teach you the summer how to take care of short hair

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